Janitor (Janitorial) Invoice Template
A janitor invoice is used by companies that outsource janitorial work to businesses and organizations that are in need of janitorial services. Independent contractors providing janitorial services may also use this invoice to bill customers. A janitor invoice is typically issued on a periodic basis for long term services. The invoice should include the amount of hours worked, names of all the people employed, and the address of where the job took place.

Janitor Job Description
A janitor is a person who is hired to perform overall maintenance upkeep of an area where people frequent regularly. A large portion of a janitor’s job consists of cleaning. Janitors need to be in decent physical shape as they are often taking on tasks that involve physical labor and medium to heavy lifting. Janitors are hired to care and clean for the following:
- Schools
- Airports
- Office Buildings
- Apartment Buildings
- Condominiums
- Hospitals
- Warehouses ( to a lesser degree)
Because janitors main pick up after people, janitors need to possess a lot of self-discipline and patience when dealing with people and their unpleasant manners day after day. Janitors are responsible for the following tasks:
- Removing trash and replenishing trash cans
- Sanitizing bathrooms (toilets, sinks, floors)
- Vacuuming, moping, and scrubbing floors
- Minimal outdoor cleanup (lawn mowing, snow blowing, racking leaves)
- Icing outdoor steps (in cold weather)
Janitor vs. Custodian
A custodian is primarily in charge of keeping a facility functioning properly. A custodian will do just about anything to keep an environment safe (including surveillance) and in working order. Fixing electrical issues, pipes, water leaks are common issues that a custodian will encounter. A janitor and a custodian are often confused because some of their responsibilities commonly intertwine. However, the biggest difference is that a janitor is primarily responsible for the cleanliness of an environment whereas a custodian is not.
Janitor Salary
There are currently over 2.1 million people employed with the position as janitor in the United States. Below are the following employment stats. Salary: $31,860/yr Hourly Rate: $15.32/hr (Source: BLS.gov)