Flooring Estimate Template

flooring estimate is a document used to provide an estimate of the cost of a flooring project. The estimate helps a prospective customer make an informed decision about whether to hire the contractor who provided it.

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Do Flooring Installers Need Licenses?

While flooring installers do not need to be licensed, it’s a good idea to get certified as a journeyperson if you want to work as a flooring contractor. Clients tend to invest a greater level of trust in installers who have been certified through an organization such as the International Standards & Training Alliance (INSTALL) or the International Certified Flooring Installers Association (CFI). There are different certifications for different types of flooring.

Types of Flooring

  • Hardwood
  • Tile
  • Engineered
  • Concrete
  • Carpet
  • Laminate
  • Vinyl

Flooring Cost Per Square Foot

Flooring material Price per square foot
Hardwood $8-22 per square foot
Stone tile $7-20 per square foot
Engineered wood flooring $6-18 per square foot
Ceramic tile $4-12 per square foot
Concrete $2-8 per square foot
Carpet $3-10 per square foot
Laminate $3.85-6 per square foot
Vinyl $2.50-5.50 per square foot

Flooring Calculators

Some companies and websites offer online flooring calculators to estimate the cost of installing flooring. First, you’ll need to know the square footage of the space in which you’ll be doing the installation. Simply measure the rooms with a measuring tape. Once you determine the width and length, multiply these numbers to produce the total square footage. Here are some online calculators you can use once you’ve determined the square footage of your space:

What to Include in a Flooring Estimate

  • Contractor’s contact information
  • Date
  • Type of flooring to be installed
  • Square footage of the area to be covered
  • Cost of materials
  • Cost of labor
  • Estimated total cost of project
  • Applicable taxes
  • Payment terms
  • Expiration date of estimate