Graphic Design Estimate Template

graphic design estimate offers a customer a sense of how much requested graphic design services may cost. Estimates require determining the scope of work, then calculating the cost of materials and labor required to complete the project. Estimates are non-binding, but graphic designers strive to make their estimates as close to the invoiced price as possible so as to retain clients.

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What to Include in a Graphic Design Estimate

It is important to include certain information in the estimate and present it in a manner that is clear and easily readable. A great place to start any estimate is by identifying the parties involved and briefly describing the work that will be performed. Here are some other items that might well be included in a graphic design estimate:

Scope of Work

The value of a concise description of the scope of work cannot be overstated. Arguably the most important part of any estimate, the scope of work is the foundation upon which the estimate is built. There are many types of graphic design. Graphic designers tend to specialize in one or a few different areas. Scope of work will depend greatly upon the area of graphic design and the services needed by the client. Here are some of the broader areas of graphic design (more detailed information about the specific project should be included in the estimate):

  • Brand Identity
  • Color Pallet Development
  • Design Guide Development
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • User Interface (UI) and Website
  • Video Game
  • Social Media
  • Publication
  • Packaging
  • Motion Graphics
  • Environmental

Materials and Labor

Because most graphic design these days is done on computers, the largest cost in a graphic design estimate is likely to be labor. However, depending upon the extent of the designer’s involvement in a project, a client might want to include finished printed materials like postcards, pamphlets, or posters in the project. Once the scope of work has been determined, the materials and labor required to complete the work can be listed along with their individual costs so that total cost can be presented.

Payment Terms

Payment terms might depend upon the project. If the project carries out over several weeks or months, a payment schedule along the way could be warranted. If printing is involved, perhaps deposits are required. Whatever the arrangement, payment terms will need to be clearly defined in the estimate.

Graphic Design Estimate Considerations

Every job will be unique. Accurate assessment of the work required to complete a project will lead to more accurate estimates and overall profitability. Here are some things that the freelance graphic designer might consider in order to write as accurate an estimate as possible.

When Scope of Work is Exceeded

The estimate, and subsequent contracts, should anticipate a scenario where the project grows. As long as expectations have been set, and additional work will be compensated, misunderstandings will be avoided.

Number of Revisions

How many revisions are included in the estimate? Certainly, there should be some limitation beyond which additional charges may be incurred on the client side.

Using Templates vs. Starting From Scratch

For example: when building a website, does the client want something based on existing work? Or, do they want something completely new? The same idea applies to fonts. Is a logo going to be built using an existing font or will a custom font need to be created? Creating anything from scratch takes time and that time should be accounted for.

Costs for Stock Imagery, Footage, and Artwork

Don’t forget that these things may not be free. While there are free options available, the free versions may not meet a client’s quality standards. Know what’s needed and wanted.

How to Use the Graphic Design Estimate Template

Using the graphic design estimate template is easy. Simply download it and fill it out, or use our free generator.