Auto Repair Invoice Template

The auto repair invoice is for any repair, oil change, or general maintenance that has been conducted on a vehicle. Most auto repair facilities will not release the vehicle until the invoice has been paid in full. Therefore, all line items should be included in the invoice, such as labor, parts, materials, delivery fees, and any other charges available for the customer to review. Oil Change Invoice – For a simple oil change and any additional work or services provided.

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How to Negotiate an Auto Repair

Before work can start on a vehicle, the owner must get authorization to conduct the repair. The authorization is through an estimate or work order. This should include an itemized list of the labor and materials required to perform the auto repair.

Step 1 – Examine the Vehicle

The owner must bring their vehicle to the auto repair shop to conduct an examination. After dropping off the vehicle, the repair shop will usually give an estimate of the repair within 1-2 days.

Step 2 – Estimate is Given

The auto repair shop will provide an estimate of the service. After receiving, the vehicle’s owner may contact other body shops in the area to ensure the amount is in accordance with industry standards. For the owner reviewing the estimate, they should compare the labor rates in their area. Use the national average in addition to local rates by contacting mechanics near you.

Step 3 – Giving Authorization

Depending on the relationship between the auto repair shop and the vehicle’s owner, an authorization can be made verbally or in writing using an Auto Repair Work Order. After authorization is made, the work may begin.

Step 4 – Repair is Complete

After the work has been completed, the owner will perform an inspection. The mechanic should give an overview of the maintenance provided, and if approved by the owner, the bill may be paid.

Step 5 – Issuing the Invoice

The repair shop will issue the invoice to the owner. Unless other payment arrangements are made, such as in a payment plan, the owner will be required to pay the full amount. If payment is not made in full, the owner, in most cases, will not be able to take possession of the vehicle.

Mechanics Near Me (3)

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Salary & Hourly Pay ($/hr)

  • Salary: $47,990/hr (source: BLS)
  • Hourly Rate: $23.07 (source: BLS)