Roadside Assistance Invoice Template
A roadside assistance invoice is sent to customers on a monthly, bi-yearly, or yearly basis to collect payment in exchange for emergency vehicle-related services and discounts. Programs are mainly offered through automotive insurance companies, vehicle manufacturers, and private companies.

What is Roadside Assistance?
Roadside assistance is a service that assists motorists and motorcyclists in the event they become broken down or require non-emergency support. Much like insurance, roadside assistance is paid for on a monthly or yearly basis and covers the full (or partial) cost of the assistance provided. The roadside assistance company anticipates the majority of their customers never using the service in order to ensure a profit is made.
What Roadside Assistance Covers
Roadside programs can cover many types of issues, with more expensive subscriptions providing higher levels of service. For example, a program may only cover expenses up to a predetermined amount (e.g “up to $100 for a car unlock”). The average membership covers the following:
- Flat tire assistance (changing a tire on the side of the road)
- Towing to nearest mechanic or home
- Unlocking a car door
- Jumpstart a vehicle battery
- Fuel delivery
Opting to pay higher monthly or yearly premiums can raise the level of coverage and add special services, such as “trip reimbursement,” which covers the expense(s) that an interrupted vacation may cost.