Taxidermy Work Order Template
A taxidermy work order is a single-page form that gives a taxidermist a complete picture of the work they have been requested to perform, the total costs for the job, the customer’s billing information, and other record-keeping info. The form is given before work is started, and is used as a guide for ensuring the job is done correctly and to the customer’s expectations.

What is a Taxidermy Work Order?
A taxidermy work order can be filled out by a taxidermist or by a customer. When a customer has an animal that they either hunted or found dead by other means, they will either call the taxidermist and give them the necessary information (who then completes the form), or they will complete the form and send it to the taxidermist via email or through the mail. It’s important that the work order be as detailed as possible to provide that the taxidermist understands exactly what the customer is looking for. Work orders should, at a minimum, contain the following fields:
- Company information
- Order number
- Order date + estimated completion date
- Customer contact and billing info
- Animal information
- Animal type (deer, fox, coyote, fish, bird, etc.)
- Species
- # of rack points (if applicable)
- Weight
- Length
- Girth
- Kill date
- Tag # (if applicable)
- Damage (if any)
- Misc. comments
- Mount request
- Shoulder mount
- Skull mount
- Full-body mount
- Antler
- Open-mouth
- Rug
- Special requests
- Terms of service
- Cost details (payment info, total bill, add-ons, taxes, etc.)