Fitness Instructor Invoice Template
The fitness instructor invoice is used for collecting payments by those are hired by a gym to help members with equipment and their posture. Unlike a personal trainer, a fitness instructor works with the members of a gym to ensure they are working out properly. They do not establish a personal relationship unless it’s natural. A fitness instructor is paid by the gym, not by its members.

How to Become a Fitness Instructor
If one feels that they are qualified to be a fitness instructor for a gym to help members and lead group fitness classes, they’ll need to prepare for an interview and an audition. First impressions go far, so it’s important to have a great looking resume ready with no spelling mistakes. It’s a very good idea to attend the gym prior to applying, as with this strategy it will be easy to learn how existing employed fitness instructors conduct themselves on the job. By taking part in group classes before an audition, those looking to be a group fitness instructor can learn how classes are already managed and run by simply listening and following along. To sum it up, here are the main pointers to become a fitness instructor:
- Audition the gym before they audition you.
- Plan your workout, make it balanced, and have it down memorized to the minute (do not read from notes).
- Know how many people you are comfortable teaching.
- Must prepare music (can’t be offensive) and have a good idea as to what works.
- Be professional, personable, and wear the appropriate gym clothing attire.
Fitness Instructor Certification
There are two parts to being a certified instructor. The first part has more to do with the technical method. The second deals with proper etiquette when training a client. There are many organizations that give out instructor certifications, with most gyms across the US and other countries accepting certification from the following listed:
- NSCA – Educates in providing instructors with knowledge about strength and conditioning, health and diet, and being a personal trainer.
- ACE – Gives certificates that prepare a person to be a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, health coach, and a medical exercise specialist.
- ACSM – The American College of Sports Medicine give out certifications to be a personal trainer, group exercise instructor, and an exercise phycologist.
Fitness Instructor Salary & Hourly Rate
The following are the occupational statistics for fitness trainers: