Screen Printing Work Order Template
A screen printing work order is a form that is completed after a customer submits a request for a batch of custom-printed clothing. The form contains detailed information on the customer and their order to make it so the printer can complete the entire job without additional information (besides specs on the logo, slogan, picture, or other design requested by the customer).

What is a Screen Printing Work Order?
Screen printing companies both large and small need to have several pieces of information to successfully complete an order to the customer’s specifications. A work order serves to keep all of the information needed to a single form (excluding the designs). In general, the following should be included:
- Company details + logo
- Customer billing information + shipping address (if applicable)
- Order #
- Order date and job due date
- Garment / item info
- Style
- Colors (HEX codes)
- Sizes
- Quantity
- Cost per item
- Total costs
- A diagram to direct where the design will be placed (back of shirt, down the sleeve, etc.)
- Notes on the order / special requests
- An area for signature(s)
- Terms & conditions
The Work Order Process for Screen Printing
Once the company receives an order (either online or through the mail), an employee within the company (often in a supervisor role) will draft the official work order containing all of the necessary information to fulfill the customer’s request. The supervisor will then assign the job to a printer, a date in which work will need to begin (and finished by), and their signed name – officially approving the order. Once the printing has been finished, an invoice will be sent to the customer and the completed products will be either shipped to the customer or picked up in-person.