Receipt Templates

A receipt acts as an official record of an exchange of payment. Receipts are crucial for consumer transactions and business accounting. The IRS recommends that small business owners and self-employed individuals keep receipts on hand for a minimum of three years.

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What to Include In a Receipt

Receipts should always include the transaction date, the seller’s information, an itemized list of goods or services sold (if applicable), the amount of money exchanged, and any taxes, fees, or discounts applied.

Sample Receipt Fields

  • From
    • Business Name
    • Address
    • Phone
  • Item Description
    • Product / Service Name
    • Quantity (#)
    • Price ($)
  • Amount Paid
    • Subtotal
    • Sales Tax
    • Other
  • Payment
    • Type (credit card, cash, etc.)
    • Date of Sale

Benefits of Providing Receipts

As a business owner or service provider, your customers rely on you to provide accurate records for each transaction. Providing receipts to customers is beneficial to both parties for several reasons:

  1. Receipts can be used as proof of purchase with important details like the date and time of the transaction and the amount paid. 
  2. Receipts are necessary for expense tracking and may be required for tax or accounting purposes.
  3. Providing receipts shows your customers that you value their business and can help you foster trust as a professional.

While providing receipts may not always be a requirement, it is a simple yet effective way to improve customer satisfaction, streamline transactions, and maintain good business practices.

Some jurisdictions require by law that certain types of sellers issue receipts to all customers. See below for the requirements in your state.

State Laws 

State Receipt Required? Statute
 Alabama Only for payments made to insurance premiums. Section 482-1-072-.04
 Arizona Only for county treasurers for payments made other than by check. ARS 11-494
 California Yes Regulation 1686, CIV 1747.09
 Colorado Only for landlords. Section 38-12-802
 Connecticut Only for pistol and revolver sales. §29-36m-6
 Delaware N/A
 Florida N/A
 Georgia Yes Ga. Code § 7-3-15
 Idaho Yes §28-43-204
 Kansas Only for landlords. §50-687
 Maine Only for landlords. §11-116
 Maryland Yes §12–617
 Massachusetts Yes 255D § 12
 Montana Yes 42.26.248
 Nevada Only for landlords. NV Rev Stat § 597.080
 New Hampshire Only for door-to-door & home solicitation sales. § 361-B:2
 New Jersey Yes § 17:16C-49
 New Mexico
 New York Yes § 5-32
 North Carolina Yes § 25A-22
 North Dakota
 Ohio Only for deposits. 109:4-3-07
 Oregon Yes ORS 81.030
 Pennsylvania Yes 1968 Act 387
 Rhode Island Yes 280-RICR-20-70-25.12
 South Carolina Yes 37-2-302
 South Dakota
 Tennessee Only for landlords. § 47-18-608
 Texas Yes 601.052
 Virginia For home solicitation sales. 59.1-21.4
 Washington Only for certain fees. § 36.18.090
Washington D.C.
West Virginia Yes §46B-5-2
 Wisconsin Yes 422.306

With many companies and service providers doing business partly or entirely online, traditional paper receipts are becoming a thing of the past. Electronic receipts are widely accepted as legally valid alternatives.

The IRS recognizes digital receipts as legally valid records, and digital receipts are increasingly being offered as the default even by traditional brick-and-mortar businesses. However, the rules and regulations may vary depending on the industry and location.